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August 29, 2019


When your students are encouraged to always look on the bright side of learning something.  You are opening the door for them to not get frustrated when learning something.  When a student is put at ease and does not feel pressured when it comes to learning--the learning process becomes easier for them because they are more relaxed and can  understand it better.

August 25, 2019


Making every student in your classroom feel important is a crucial step in bonding with them and giving them the opportunity to feel comfortable in your class.  When they know that they are respected and you fully believe in them to achieve you are setting the scene for positive results.  Knowing that mistakes are okay as long as they are all trying.  Not everything is going to be easy but when you make your students feel that they are capable of learning they will try harder.

August 22, 2019


Teaching grammar rules to students can be very trying and upsetting to both the Teacher and students. You teach a rule and the next sentence your student reads finds a word that doesn't follow the rule you just got finished teaching.  Such is the above rule for, "i before e except after c." There are always exceptions that is why we always have to learn to spell each individual word.

August 19, 2019

B E S T ??????

Your child comes home from school and tells you that so and so is able to have everyone at recess play the game they want to play and your child doesn't want to.  Someone has on a new pair of sneakers  that they like better than the pair they have.  They have a friend that is not being nice to them because they aren't in the same reading group anymore.  It is time to share the above saying with them to make then feel SPECIAL just the way they are.  Talk about the positive things that have happened during the school day instead of dwelling on the negative things so that the positive items stand out more for your child.

August 13, 2019


Wishing everyone with children a wonderful new school year.  Share the above recipe with your children.

August 12, 2019


A-Z alphabet rules, not your usual set of rules that students are accustomed to seeing.  What a great set for every student to have read to them or having them read themselves.  Also, using the phrases to have the students explain what they mean to them.  Great learning experience for a teacher or parent to do with their child for the beginning of the school year.

August 9, 2019


How cute and clever are these painted rocks of school time materials.  If that doesn't get you excited with all of the back-to-school supplies you have to purchase for each child or children in your family I don't know what will??!!??  Each Teacher making out their own individual supply list and it just has to be that way, because you can believe it that your child will come home that first day of school and say MRS.  Materials said that we had to have three colored folders in blue, red, and yellow.  Of course you got three colored folders in blue, orange, and yellow.    That is how the school year starts off.  It will be a GREAT SCHOOL YEAR anyhow, know matter what color it will be.

August 4, 2019

B  I  G

Setting your child's attitude for a big year of exciting things to come,  shortly, is getting them in the right mind set of thinking positively for the beginning of the school year.  Letting them help in choosing their own school and lunch bag, folders, pencils and everything else they need makes them feel important.  They will be able to take to school what they have chosen and they get to feel entitled with them.  Planning for the upcoming school year should always be in a positive light.  If your child is hesitant or has negative feelings now is the time to start working on conversations to distinguish these and make it a happy experience.