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April 27, 2019


Everyone in your class matters and everyone can fit into a puzzle and feel important in your classroom.  It is up to you to make sure that each student is given the same responsibilities and always feels important.  They just don't have to be your top students or the ones that are the most popular don't neglect the ones that aren't in these groups.  That each student feels comfortable when they go to the cafeteria and out for recess.  Make sure that you are encouraging playmates and no one is sitting by themselves or not having at least one student to play with on the playground.  EVERYONE SHOULD MATTER!!!

April 22, 2019


Having students be aware of how important it is to keep our world clean and stop pollution is something they need to see and partake in.  Learning to conserve,  recycle and reuse materials is something that they should be helping to do to protect our environment.

April 20, 2019

April 19, 2019


Some students need extra help with paying attention in class.  When it is time to do their work, that has been explained, they become confused because they probably just heard half of what the Teacher's instructions were.  So it is up to the Teacher to engage them more with what is going on call their name out when you are talking, make sure that their eyes are focusing on you, after giving full class instructions go to their desk and do one or two items of the exercise that they have to complete with them.  Many of them find it difficult to sit at a desk for an extended length of time so give them the opportunity to go to the back of the room and walk around for a minute or two.  Then they can sit back down and continue their work.  Give them the opportunities to help them out with their attention difficulties instead of berating them for not paying attention.

April 13, 2019


No one likes to be CRITICIZED it breathes negativity.  The old adage rings true here if "YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, THEN IT IS BEST NOT TO SAY ANYTHING."  If you are CRITICIZED over and over again it makes you feel like you are defeated and you can never please someone.  You want to be able to say as many positive things about someone to make them want to work to their full potential.

April 8, 2019


Students in your classroom should always feel like they are a STAR!!!  It is up to you to bring as much positivity to each of your Students.  You should emphasize that when they do their work that they should reach for the Stars.  Always producing the best work that they, as individuals, can do.  Not everyone in the classroom is capable of producing an A or a B,  BUT if a C is the very best that Student can produce then that is fine.  If they are working to their full potential you will automatically be able to tell when you grade their work.  That C Student needs to be praised just like your A and B students.  Building positive thoughts and images is paramount to building their self-esteems.  

April 7, 2019


Students should always feel that they are a STAR in your classroom.  They should be encouraged to strive for the STARS in everything that they do.  Not every student will be able to get an A or B grade but if their C is the best that they can do that is fine for them.  As long as you know that they are putting forth their best effort then they should be a STAR in your book.  Being encouraged and made to feel good about their work builds their self-esteem.  


Every student in your class should feel like a STAR and you are the one to make sure that they do.  You should always encourage them to reach for the STARS whenever they are working.  Strive to do your best and as long as you know that they are working with their full potential you have instilled this in them.  Not everyone in the classroom is going to get the same A or B but if a C is their best work then you should make them feel that it is okay.

April 4, 2019


Standardized Testing and the effect it has on Students as well as their Teachers.  There is wayyyy too much emphasis put on the whole Testing process.  Many Teachers start prepping their students months ahead of the Testing date.  They also keep encouraging their students to do their best and inform them if they don't they might not be able to progress to the next grade level the following school year.  That is such pressure put on these little minds that they shouldn't have that on their mind when they are trying to perform the best that they can.  That makes so many of them become nervous about the whole Testing situation.  The Test should be administered later in the school year without any Test prep.  The students should be given the opportunity to take the Test without any pressure put on them just like taking any daily test.

April 1, 2019

S T U D E N T S!!!!

Remember all of the hard work you have been doing in preparation for the FSA  TEST.  All of you are well-prepared for the test with all of the work you have been doing all year and with all of the extra test prep materials your Teacher's have given you.  Remember not to rush through your reading and concentrate on what you are reading so that you understand the passage.  Read the questions carefully if you have to reread the question to better understand it make sure that you do so.  Weed out the answers that you know make no sense at all.  If there are 2 answers remaining and you are not sure check back in the passage you read to verify the correct one.   Do NOT worry about the time if you are concentrating ONLY on the test you will have plenty of time to finish it.  With that time you still have when you finish the test go back and recheck that you have an answer for every question.  If you remember which ones gave you a hard time choosing the correct answer go back and see if you made the correct choice.  G O O D    L U C K!!!!