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September 27, 2017


Students need to know that no matter if they like the subject or not they must always try to do their best.  You are not going to get a good grade if you only put in half of your effort.  So if you have to do it you might as well give it your best shot and get the best results from it.  That way you have something to show that you can be proud of.

September 18, 2017

It has been a long interrupted break from school.  The students are filled with stories about their interpretation of Hurricane Irma and what their family experienced.  Everyone needs to express their feelings as well as the Teacher.  Doing that first before trying to get into your regular routine would be the best way to go.  I don't think we need to dwell on it with having them draw pictures and write stories we have all seen enough of that on the news.  That we can save for next year when we revisit what happened in 2017 when Hurricane Irma hit Florida.

September 13, 2017

That is a date that will forever be etched in our lives.  Who doesn't remember the exact moment they heard the first inkling of that devastating news.  At that instant you became glued to whatever source of news you had available to you at that time and you were mesmerized by it.  You listened to and saw horrifying pictures of first responders pulling out and rescuing bodies that needed urgent medical care.  Every year when we relive this date and we tell our children the stories they look at us in amazement and disbelief but they will never understand and feel the real grief and pain that we did that day and days afterwards.

September 9, 2017

Don't forget to include your children in helping you prepare for the hurricane.  Let them know that you are getting batteries for flashlights because the power might go out and we might not be able to use our lights.  We are getting more water because the water coming out of the faucets might become contaminated and we won't be able to drink that water.  With them helping with the preparation and being told why you are doing these different things it will make things easier for them to understand.  Answer any questions they have as honestly as you can.

September 1, 2017


What an inspiring saying to put into an older age classroom where a student has really become mindful of how their education can have an effect on their future.   How much input they are willing to put into their everyday performance in the classroom, how motivated they are to reach that highest goal, study for the highest grade, and ask for help when it is needed.    All of these will impact their future education and the rest of their lives.