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April 26, 2017

Your best might not be her best nor his best but that is OKAY as long as you give it your BEST!!!  Not everyone can be the best speller, best dancer, best reader, best drawer, best racer or best looking BUT you must try to do your best.  You mustn't belittle someone else because they can't do something that you are good at, because you are then not playing your part at doing your best at being kind to others.

April 21, 2017

Some students will give you their best work all of the time, some of them some of the time, and the rest you will be lucky if you get it at all.  It is all in how motivated they are for that perfect paper, or to show their classmates how they scored another perfect paper, or maybe that approval from their parents.  Then on the other hand you have students that just don't have any motivation for that grade.  Why????  Well, for one they might not understand the material, they might have gotten so many wrong answers in the past that they feel defeated, if they did get a wonderful paper their parents might not be the type to acknowledge it.  So as educators it is our job to spark their interest in helping them to achieve those perfect papers and feeling good about them in the process so that they continue doing so.

April 18, 2017

Everyone has a computer/laptop/and/or iPad to use.  Hopefully we are teaching our children that it is a very important useful educational tool and needs to be used that way during the school year.  Use it first for your educational needs and then if time permits you can use it for your enjoyment of browsing, chatting, and playing your games.  

April 16, 2017

Hope your having a hopping good Easter.  Don't get a bellyache from candy sugar overload.  Take a break like the good Bunny does and have some yummy carrots.  You can always save some of that candy for the rest of the week.

April 12, 2017

So innocent that EASTER BUNNY and so cute to so many children but then some children can be so SCARED of that BUNNY.  Take it in stride because sure enough the next year your child will probably LOVE the EASTER BUNNY and won't want to leave wherever that EASTER BUNNY just might be especially if they have some yummy candy to give them or even some large baskets like these lovely ladies managed to get!!!!!!!

April 5, 2017

To give students the opportunity to have free play or recess is such an important part of their school day.  It lets them interact socially with their peers, it gives them freedom to choose what they want to do for a certain period of time,  and it gives them the opportunity to release some energy so that when they go back to work they can be relaxed.  So try not to make taking recess away from your students as a means of punishment because it really is a healthy part of their day.