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January 30, 2017

Some students find learning math facts to be very easy and others find it very difficult.  Whether it is easy or not there are so many fun activities to do with the students to help them memorize those facts.  Above are just a couple of so many different ones I use.  Flashcards you can use but if you use them everytime you go to practice (especially with a struggling student) you are going to loose the motivation.  Bring out one of those exciting games to use and the learning aspect becomes fun.  

January 23, 2017

Students at a very young age can start to learn simple steps of a research project.  They can use pre-set project pages that are set up to guide them specifically to ask them certain questions and provide them the spaces to put the answers in.  This way they start out in a simple fashion using a book, an article found on the computer, and/or something found in an encyclopedia.  They are reading and looking for the answers for what they need to learn from their research project.  Then the next research project will expect more from the student each time they have one.  When they are taught to use research projects in this fashion they learn all of the aspects of a project and when they get into more sophisticated projects they have learned everything that is needed to make a great project.

January 18, 2017

So many great Chapter Books to get your youngsters interested in some super interesting stories to get them excited about reading at a young age.  Once they like a certain Author they usually have a series of books written and it makes it fun for your child to get to choose through the list of available books the author has written.  Some of them even have Book Clubs for their Books that your child can join and they get a monthly newsletter with different fun activities and new information about the books.

January 14, 2017

It is so important for students to understand that because of great leaders like MARTIN LUTHER KING people of every color and religion have the ability to speak and stand up for what they believe is fair for them and for other people just like them.  Everyone should be and deserves to be treated EQUALLY.

January 10, 2017

They are our precious gifts and we must treat them as such.  Plant the seed with good care and a helping hand to get them started.  Guide them and help them realize that it is okay to make mistakes that is why they sell erasers.  On the other hand instill in them that they must always try their very best and ask for help if they do not understand something.  A person is never considered weak for asking a question, on the other hand it shows that they are motivated to make sure that they  fully understand it before moving on.

January 4, 2017

I always tell my parents that giving their child the opportunity to get some physical activity through a group sport is also very helpful for their academic growth.  They need to have the time to play, get exercise, and have fun during the day.  Being in a classroom for that many hours in a day is very hard for some children.  We want to be able to have a smile on their faces as much as possible.

January 1, 2017